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The Simplicity Funeral 

The finest in simplicity, to help you pay respects to those that have passed, the right way. 

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Roseberry Funeral Service, hearse, funeral director, Guiborough

Simplicity £2,500

Many people still want the tradition of a hearse and the coffin to be carried by pall bearers into the chapel. The simplicity service offers these added elements of a traditional service. From transfer into our care, a light oak veneered coffin, the hearse and pall bearers and all third party fees for cremation, these are included. The hearse can meet you at any location you wish, be it the family home, a private venue or meeting you at the crematorium. The 30 minutes time slot will create a celebration of life service so that family and friends can be there, with a celebrant or minister leading the service. Services will be held between 9am and 10:30am at Kirkleatham Crematorium. An online Gazette notice, memorial tribute page and 50 personally designed order of service booklets are also included.


We can help to arrange floral tributes, printed Gazette notices, weblinks or any other additional service you may wish. 

All third-party fees for cremation (Doctors, Cremation and Minister fees) 

Transfer into our care 24 hours a day 

Chapel of Rest visits 

Online Gazette notice 

Memorial tribute page

York light oak coffin 


4 Funeral Bearers

30 minute funeral service

50 Order of Service booklets

Personal Funeral Director 

Ashes returned in scatter pod

Simplicity details

Simplicity Funeral

Simplicity: Extras


Plus third party fees

Our simplicity funeral service is also available for anyone wanting a burial. The price above includes everything listed within the cremation simplicity service, minus all third party fees.

Third party fees include:

  • Purchase of burial plot 

  • Interment fee

  • Service location if not grave side

  • Minister/Celebrant fee

Redcar and Cleveland - purchase of double plot £1,080 
Interment fee £920

Kirkleatham Crematorium and Burial Ground - purchase and interment from £1,255 (single) £2,471 (double)
Hire of Kirkleatham Crematorium Chapel - £405 - £475
Average Minister fees - £200 - £230

Simplicity: CTA

Looking for a traditional funeral package? Contact Roseberry Funeral Service.


3 Coatham Road 


TS10 1RH

Tel - 01642 756324


14 The Wynd 

Marske by the Sea 


TS11 7LA

Tel - 01642 293107


HCL House 

Rectory Lane 


TS14 7DL

Tel - 01287 260180

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